
Becoming one of the first company’s to register with LookB4UBook.co.uk you will also benefit from a free micro website for your company on our site. Free micro Websites will have a sub-domain on our website (yourcompany.LookB4UBook.co.uk)

sample blog

Why LookB4UBook?

Focus on LOCAL

We want to put the focus on local business for local people as well as giving business more exposure on the web.

It's more than just being found

We want LookB4UBook to be the showcase for artisan's and bespoke independent British company's, Showing your community local is best.

We will work for you

Our aim is to get this site as much exposure as possible in the local communities and show how working together buying together and focusing together we can make our communities even stronger.

Micro Sites on LookB4UBook

Not every business has the budget to push the big boys when it comes to web presence, here at LB4UB we want to change that by giving you an extra platform to showcase your services and products.

No Big Chains

When it comes to exposure on LB4UB you will not be competing with big corporate company's. We want to focus purely on local producers and service providers.

Web site hosting

We can even help you with web site design and hosting on dedicated domains or micro sites as sub-domains or LookB4UBook.

Working local, shopping local, networking local can help you business in so many ways from improving supply time lines reducing transport costs and improving your own delivery times.
Felix Doughry
Local Networking Champion

Register for LB4UB Now

first 25 get free Micro-Site

Simply fill in the form below and we will be in touch to get your listing up and running.